OSMTH International
OSMTH is a Swiss Registered (CH-660.1972999-4) Ecumenical Christian Confraternal Order, whose primary work is charitable and humanitarian in nature, focusing on all peoples afflicted by poverty, injustice, conflict and disaster. OSMTH is an active and modern Ecumenical Christian Confraternal Order that seeks to address the very real humanitarian needs of today’s world.
Our national entities – Grand Priories – concentrate on humanitarian efforts and charitable projects, whilst OSMTH International – utilising personnel drawn from these national entities – represents the Order at the international diplomatic level to sovereign nations, regional and supranational bodies.
At all levels such work is often carried out in partnership with and for the benefit of all peoples regardless of faith, creed or ethnic background.
The Order is currently composed of 15 member nations (based throughout Europe and the Americas) and their associated areas of jurisdiction and operation (Asia, Continental India, Oceania, Africa and the Middle-East), with a combined full membership exceeding 5,000 knights and dames.
OSMTH International is the umbrella organization, serving as the centralized executive and legislative government of the Order.
Today’s Order of the Temple was founded in France, 1705, officially reconstituted in 1804, and recognized as an Order of Chivalry by its patron Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805; this recognition was later ratified by Emperor Louis Napoleon III.
OSMTH does not claim direct descent or continuation from the Medieval Order founded by Hugues de Payens in 1118 and dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312.
Contrary to popular belief the Order is not a Masonic Organization nor maintains links – official or otherwise – with the aforesaid organization.
OSMTH enjoys the Religious Protection of His Beatitude the Most Blessed Theodosius, Metropolitan (ret.) of the United States and Canada; and the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Elisabeth zu Ysenburg und Büdingen, Princess zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg Glucksburg.
Her Serene Highness, Elisabeth, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein (née Princess Elisabeth of Lippe-Weissenfeld; born 28 July 1957 in Munich, Bavaria, Germany is the princess consort to the current Head of the Ducal House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein. Elisabeth is the daughter of Alfred, Prince of Lippe-Weissenfeld and his wife Baroness Irmgard Julinka Wagner von Wehrborn.
For more information visit: OSMTH
UN Involvement
OSMTH holds accreditation as a United Nations ECOSOC Non-Governmental Organisation (in Special Consultative Status, No.19885) maintaining:
- permanent missions in New York, Geneva and Vienna; and
- permanent delegations to the Department of Public Information (DPI); Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR); Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC); Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT); the Convention on Women; and the Convention on Bio-Diversity.
Furthermore, the Order is an active partner of:
- the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU FRA);
- NATO Confederation of Interallied Reserve Officers (NATO-CIOR);
- Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO);
- the International Peace Bureau (member), through which OSMTH serves as a nominating body to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee; and
- the International Centre for Religion and Diplomacy (through SMOTJ).
We often find ourselves working with and through other Chivalric Orders, the senior leadership of other nations, and with other Non-Governmental Organizations [NGO] in order to provide humanitarian aid and other involvement in resolution of serious humanitarian needs or political, ethnic, and religious conflict. Engaging the respect and credibility of our world membership in their home nations, we are able to bring resolution and assistance in matters that quite often become bogged down in the bureaucracy of governments and regulations.
This compendium lists the official (published) OSMTH statements at the UN Geneva in the fields of Human Rights, during official sessions of the Human Rights Council. It only lists those contributions having been reported.
Also included, are the first contribution in this field, made during the UN/DPI meeting at UNESCO in Paris, France, Sept 2008, on the occasion of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the declaration of Human Rights and our first oral statement at the United Nations in New York in March 2011, during the session of the Committee on Status of Women.
This document also includes the panels or sessions we organised and had a speaker, or a moderator. It DOES NOT include all the personal contributions made by our talented and numerous delegates in Geneva, New York and Vienna, or elsewhere, if they have not been officially recorded/published by the UN as such.
For more information visit: OSMTH-UN